Revenue will not disclose the reason for selection but the following factors may be significant in how Revenue’s REAP (Risk, Evaluation, Analysis & Profiling Software) System chooses the revenue customer for audit.
A Revenue Audit is a review of tax returns, books and records for accuracy and validity. It can be just for one year under one tax- head but where significant discrepancies occur, Revenue may extend the audit to cover other years and/or taxes.
There are different types of audit that the Revenue may carry out:
The revenue customer will be notified of the Revenue Audit normally within 21 days.
This notice will include:
OSK as agent for the revenue customer will also receive copy of this notice of the Revenue Audit. It is advisable to seek a meeting with ourselves prior to commencement of the audit to discuss the following points:
Identify main problem areas
Fiona Guckian is Manager - OSK Audit
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Please note we cannot provide advice unless you are signed up as a client having completed the required money laundering documents, engagement letter has been issued to you and fee agreed.