Revenue measures to assist SMEs experiencing cashflow difficulties arising from COVID-19

Revenue outlined some key advice and actions taken to assist small and medium enterprise (SME)* businesses experiencing cashflow and trading difficulties arising from the impacts of the virus.

You can also find Revenue's key advice for businesses experiencing tax payment difficulties. They have emphasised their long history of working very successfully with taxpayers to resolve their tax payments difficulties.

The following advice will further assist businesses that are experiencing trading difficulties caused by the impacts of COVID-19.

Information for SMEs  

Information for Subcontractors

Information on importing goods

Businesses, other than SMEs, who are experiencing temporary cash flow or trading difficulties should contact the Collector-General’s office on (01) 7383663. Alternatively, these businesses can engage directly with their branch contacts in Revenue’s Large Corporates Division or Medium Enterprises Division.  

Revenue will continue to closely monitor the evolving situation regarding COVID-19 and will issue further updated guidance for businesses when required and particularly in good time before the March/April VAT returns, and other future returns are due.

* For tax purposes, an SME is a business with turnover of less than €3 million who is not dealt with by either Revenue’s Large Cases Division or Medium Enterprises Division. SME’s are managed from both a service and compliance standpoint by Revenue’s Business Division.

OSK are available to support clients throughout the current crisis - please contact your Director or Manager directly. Alternatively send us an email or call 014394200. 

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