Looking for your P60? It’s now an Employment Detail Summary

Revenue’s PAYE Services for Employees – Annual summary of pay and tax deductions

A Form P60 is a certificate of an employee’s annual pay and deductions. It contains details of their total pay and deductions for PAYE (Pay As You Earn), PRSI (Pay Related Social Insurance), USC (Universal Social Charge) and LPT (Local Property Tax).  From 1 January 2019 the P60 is abolished and your employer is not required to provide you with a Form P60 for 2019 or subsequent years. The P60 has been replaced with an Employment Detail Summary, in line with PAYE Modernisation.

The Employment Detail Summary is the official record of an employee’s pay and statutory deductions for the year. Employees can access the record of their pay and statutory deductions for 2019 in the Employment Detail Summary under “Review Your Tax 2016 – 2019” in the PAYE Services screen in myAccount. This summary can be downloaded or printed for their own records and provided to third parties as proof of income.

If an employee is unable to use online services, they should contact Revenue’s National PAYE Helpline for assistance on 01 738 3636.

If you would like to discuss this topic further, please contact OSK Tax Advisers on 01-439 4200 or email advice@osk.ie

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